
Condition monitoring. Increase availability, reduce maintenance costs, ensure quality.

Why condition monitoring?
Condition-oriented monitoring enables early detection of emerging machine damage. This makes maintenance measures easier to plan and the remaining service life of important components is used optimally. Vibrations that have an impact on quality can be detected automatically in order to avoid rejects. Counters can be used to determine production parameters (operating production hours, good/bad parts, reject rate, etc.) and factors influencing component life (shocks, exposure time to increased amplitudes, temperature, power, speed, etc.).

The solution with efector octavis.
efector octavis is a vibration monitoring system that not only records vibration data, but also carries out signal analysis and machine diagnostics on the machine. The machine status is determined on site and transferred to the control or management level via alarms or as status values. In addition, the trend for each diagnostic feature is stored in the integrated history memory.


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